5 ways for developing creativity in students




As educators, we have a crucial role in helping students develop creative skills and attitudes that are essential for their success in the modern workplace. In order to accomplish this, it is important to understand the difference between teaching for creativity and creative teaching.

Teaching for Creativity vs. Creative Teaching

Teaching for creativity involves developing creativity in our students, while creative teaching refers to teaching in a creative way. The key difference lies in determining who is doing the creative work - is it the teacher or the students themselves?

Effective Teaching Strategies

To foster creativity in students, there are three effective teaching strategies that can be utilized:

  1. Identifying the problem that requires a creative solution

It is crucial to fully understand the problem at hand and conduct thorough research, particularly focusing on the audience that the creative solution needs to communicate with.

      2. Brainstorming and collaborating with others

Encouraging students to bounce ideas off each other and engage in collaborative brainstorming sessions can lead to the development of innovative solutions.

      3. Providing choices and encouraging novel approaches

Offering students the freedom to choose how they learn and express their understanding of a topic can foster creativity. For example, instead of traditional assignments like essays, students can create films, songs, or art pieces to showcase their knowledge.

Creating an Environment for Creativity

In order to build a student's creativity and confidence as a creative thinker, it is important to:

  1. Encourage risk-taking

Creating an environment that supports and encourages students to take risks allows them to explore new ideas without fear of failure.

      2. Provide exemplars and examples

Introducing students to examples of creative work and teaching them where to find such resources enables them to see what is possible and expand their own creative boundaries.

      3. Offer timely and quality feedback

Providing constructive feedback that guides students towards improvement is essential. Feedback should not only highlight areas for improvement but also offer opportunities for reflection and growth.

Fostering Idea Generation

Idea generation is a key aspect of creativity. By following these practices, educators can promote idea generation:

  • Help students define and solve problems through inquiry, insight, and innovation

Encouraging students to identify and define problems that spark their curiosity can lead to the development of creative solutions.

  • Allow time for brainstorming and generating multiple ideas

Utilizing techniques like brainstorming, where students break down the elements of a problem and generate new ideas, can enhance creative thinking.

  • Promote the integration of content from multiple perspectives

Encouraging students to view content from various angles and utilizing it in original ways stimulates creativity.

  • Incorporate regular formative feedback

Regularly providing feedback that guides students' progress and offers insights into their creative work is crucial for their growth and development.

  • Create opportunities for reflection

Providing students with opportunities to reflect on their creative work allows them to evaluate their progress and make connections between their learning experiences and personal growth.

The Value of Idea Generation

Measuring creativity often relies on fluency, which refers to the number of ideas generated. While some individuals may naturally come up with numerous ideas, most people benefit from practice. By challenging students to generate a large number of ideas before selecting a few to develop, they learn to discern between original and unoriginal ideas. This exercise instills in them the value of idea generation, which can be applied across various subjects and tasks.

Building Confidence in Creative Thinking

Confidence plays a vital role in the creative process. By helping students find and define problems that spark their curiosity, educators can empower them to trust their creative instincts. Additionally, providing autonomy in their learning journey and emphasizing the personal connection between their hearts and classroom learning further enhances their creativity and confidence as creative thinkers.


As educators, it is our responsibility to nurture and develop the creative skills and attitudes of our students. By implementing effective teaching strategies, creating an environment for creativity, fostering idea generation, and building confidence in creative thinking, we can empower our students to become innovative problem solvers and creative thinkers.

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